The Wedding of Sasha and Chad


The wedding of Sasha Ginsberg and Chad Gutstein was a terrific affair, and I’d be doing it a disservice by trying to capture in words what I can simply show you in pictures (except for what I forgot to get a photo of, and that was my full wardrobe-change between the ceremony and the dinner - all of it, including coat, pants, shoes, watch, cufflinks, rings...  Everything but the socks, shirt and bowtie).  But this night wasn't about me - it was about my friends Sasha and Chad.  So get into it!

wedding Sasha and Chad Blair Rich
Blair Rich


wedding Sahsa and Chad Jeff Norskog
Jeff Norskog


wedding Sasha and Chad Under the Chuppah
Under the Chuppah


wedding Sasha and Chad Cristo and Spencer - Gossiping Groomsmen
 Gossiping groomsmen Cristo Brown and Spencer Wang


wedding Sasha and Chad Carter and Susan Cohn
Carter and Susan Cohn


wedding Sasha and Chad Sean and Dina Marks
Sean and Dina Marks


wedding Sasha and Chad Mrs and Mr Ravine Hiranand
Mr. and Mrs. Ravine Hiranand


wedding Sasha and Chad Menu


wedding Sasha and Chad Bouquet


wedding Sasha and Chad Mr and Mrs Chad Gutstein
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Gutstein


wedding Sasha and Chad First Dance
The first dance


wedding Sasha and Chad Promenade
Mr. and Mrs. Gutstein promenade


wedding Sasha and Chad The hora
 Dancing the Hora


wedding Sasha and Chad Dana Farrington and Drew Goldman
Dana Farrington and Drew Goldman


wedding Sasha and Chad Shulman and Carter Cohn
Shulman and Carter Cohn


wedding Sasha and Chad on-stage laugh
Husband and wife share an on-stage laugh


wedding Sasha and Chad John Martin and Delilah Rothenberg
John Martin and Delilah Rothenberg
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