Pata Pata + Hong Kong = ?

Mariam Makeba album cover
Miriam Makeba - PATA PATA

Mariam Makeba B&W
Miriam "Mama Africa" Makeba

I have no idea why, but I spent a week in Hong Kong with “Pata Pata” by Miriam Makeba stuck in my head. 

Now, I miss "Mama Africa" as much as the next guy; but really, how weird is that?



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VooDoo curse!
yes this song is a classic! Although I always knew Miriam Makeba more as a succubus who threw a voodoo curse on Goerge Foreman in his loss against Ali in Zaire '74.
By Pop Vegas Art

VooDoo curse!
yes this song is a classic! Although I always knew Miriam Makeba more as a succubus who threw a voodoo curse on Goerge Foreman in his loss against Ali in Zaire '74.
By Pop Vegas Art

Pata Pata
I love that song!
By Elisabeth Apcar

Brimming with pizzazz, five-time GRAMMY Award-winning Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee Janet Jackson returns to the Strip with her dazzling new residency, JANET JACKSON: LAS VEGAS, in the Resorts World Theatre