Recently, in Hollyweird for a long weekend, I was meeting my sister-from-another-mister, Amy Sacco for “a simple supper” on the Patio at Chateau Marmont. Thanks to the wonder that is Uber (j’adore!!), I actually arrived at Chateau a bit early, and upon checking-in, was told that some of our party had already arrived. Party? What party?

The hostess showed me to the lower lobby, where I stood, trying to keep my composure – and not for the first time of the night; for who should be waiting for our arrival but Dutch model turned entrepreneur, Frédérique van der Wal; Nicholas Klein (who co-wrote the 2000 film The Million Dollar Hotel with Bono); and their lovely daughter, Scyler? I went to wash my hands and when I returned, the glamazons were catching-up, and we were shown to our table, at the very back of the Patio. There, we supped on the most wonderful Fried Chicken (the Sunday special – and when Mr. Balazs says “special” he means it). The conversation was lively, and under the lamps, the Patio glowed soft and golden.

As the meal wound to a close, Amy announced that her friend Courtney was coming to join us for coffee. So, as the lovely trio gathered their things, who should arrive, but rocker Courtney Love? I’ve gotta say, Miss Love proceeded to take every preconceived notion I had about her, and blew 'em to smithereens. She was witty, smart, lucid, droll, well-read, and above all, funny. We talked about music, boyfriends, addiction, misspent youth, her autobiography (she’s putting the finishing touches on it, now), and her upcoming two-night gig, this month, at Vinyl at the Hard Rock Hotel, here in Las Vegas. She was, in a word, fascinating. But then, after about an hour and a half, she bade us adieu – but not before Joe Simpson (father of Jessica and Ashlee) came over to introduce himself.

Deciding there was time for “just one more glass of wine” Amy and I ordered another round, and looked-up to see Vancouver B.C. über-realtor Michael Braun wearing an ironic t-shirt and a big-old smile, along with a wristband that we came to find was for that night’s Jay-Z/Justin Timberlake concert that he and his friend had attended. So we invited him and his friend to join us, only to realize that said friend was none other than actress Mischa Barton, who happily told us that since most of the security at the Jay-Z/J-T concert had worked for her in the past, they were all "Hey Mischa!" and super-friendly - a perfect example of why you should always treat those in your employ with courtesy ('cause you never know what the sitch might be, down the road).  But that’s not all… At that moment a woman came onto the Patio to grab a smoke, and Michael waved her over. She was all curls and Brit accent, and her name was Erika and she was a scream. It wasn’t until a certain amount of time passed that Amy and I realized that Erika Leonard was better known by her pen-name, E. L. James, and had authored a little book named Fifty Shades of Grey

Now, as fond as I am to drop the occasional name (heck, I’ve been known to fling them spuriously through numerous conversations) – I couldn’t have wished-up the rotating cast of characters at this one table, if I’d tried. So here’s to the Chateau Marmont; and here’s to Andre Balazs. Cheers!

Chateau Marmont
Click HERE for info
Coutrney Love at Vinyl/Hard Rock Hotel
Click HERE for info and tickets

Get into it!

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