It’s no great secret that I’m a huge disco fan. Not the so-called trash-disco that entreats the listener to put on their boogie shoes and take them to Funkytown, while encouraging white boys to play funky music; but rather the elegant, often symphonic music that West End Records founder, Mel Cheren, referred to as “danceable r&b” (a sobriquet that I love), that evolved into the Classic House music played by those disco deities Larry Levan (Paradise Garage), Frankie Knuckles (The Warehouse), David Mancuso (The Loft), and Nicky Siano (The Gallery, Studio 54), in their respective temples.
Yet, for some reason, those dulcet sounds I so enjoyed were relegated to mood music at smaller receptions and gatherings in upscale boutiques. Despite experiencing a renaissance in cities like New York and Los Angeles, here in the El-Vee, disco was, for all intents and purposes, dead.
And then a funny thing happened. Well, a confluence of curious things, anyhow. While at a lunch with one of the forefathers of Las Vegas nightlife (to discuss a disco supper club), I ran into Bree DeLano (aka DJ 88), who said she was putting together a disco-themed evening at Insert Coin(s), to celebrate Harvey Milk Day (Friday, May 22nd), that would serve as a benefit for The Center. Furthermore, she was hoping that I’d come and play at the event – a “Throwback Edition” of Insert Coin(s)’ popular weekly Game Over Fridays party. Uh… Yeah!
Then I got a call from Richard Alexander, the charming fellow behind the monthly Down & Derby roller-skating parties. Richard was inquiring as to whether I’d like to come and spin a groovy disco set, for the May edition of Down & Derby at the Gold Spike, in Downtown Las Vegas (Wednesday, May 20th). Roller disco..? Hells-to-the-yeah!
Then, after looking at my calendar, I realized that I was going to be playing two disco sets, within two days of each other, in two venues, literally down the street from each other. And it’s all happening (as I’d prognosticated long ago) in getting-hipper-by-the-moment Downtown Las Vegas.
So, if you’re in the mood to get down and boogie, your options this week are twofold. You can don your roller-skates and groove, this Wednesday night, at the Gold Spike (I’m playing the opening set, at 9pm).
Or, to twirl in the glittering eleganza, you can come to the Harvey Milk Day celebration, this Friday, at Insert Coin(s), where I’ll be kicking things off at the private reception* that runs from 7-9pm, before opening to the public, with the fabulous DJ 88 and the incomparable DJ Adam 12 (who, with Bryan Rabin, produces the glamourous weekly disco-fest Giorgio’s, at The Standard, Hollywood).
Either way – if you like the nightlife, and love to boogie, this is the week for you.
Down & Derby | Gold Spike – Click HERE for info
Harvey Milk Day | Insert Coin(s) – Click HERE to RSVP*
Downtown Las Vegas
Get into it!
#DTLV #Disco
[*EDITOR’S NOTE: As a reader of ShulmanSays, you are able to attend this invitation-only affair, a benefit for The Center, free of charge. Just click on the link to RSVP, throw-on your cha-cha heels, and come dance the night away!]
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