Our Domestic Partnership Certificate |
I’ve been a bit remiss with posting as often as I’d like over this past week-and-a-half. I hope you’ll forgive me: in case you hadn’t heard, Jacob and I went and tied the knot (as tightly as the laws of the State of Nevada currently allow – which I’ll be discussing in an upcoming post).
It’s been a fun week, what with a handful of friends in from out-of-town, and a great party at Piero’s. And while I was a complete basket-case leading up to the event, the minute I saw people enjoying themselves, I relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed myself (that preemptory Xanax certainly helped…)
Meanwhile, between my rigorous Thank You note writing regimen (resulting in the claw-like appearance that my right hand has formed, of late), and spending time with my Mom and those friends who’ve stayed in-town for a few extra nights, I’ve been a bit scattered.
But, I’m back, now. So get prepared to see some reception-related posts, intermingled with the rest, over the next couple of weeks. Yay!
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