Best known as the iconic, mono-monikered French punk singer, model, and promoter, Edwige was also the person to whom I referred as “my beautiful sister” and will love, always. (2 of 2)
Best known as the iconic, mono-monikered French punk singer, model, and promoter, she most certainly was; Edwige was also the person to whom I referred as “my beautiful sister” and will love, always.
With 70 of the world’s hottest musical acts, performing on four enormous stages, spread over eleven city blocks in Downtown Las Vegas; it’s not so much whether you should go to LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL 2015, but who you’ll see when you’re there!
In advance of his DECORATING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM event, benefiting the Las Vegas Philharmonic, next week; I asked my friend, interior designer and author, Thom Filicia, for his thoughts about decorating, entertaining, and happy living. (2 of 2)
In advance of his DECORATING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM event, next week, benefiting the Las Vegas Philharmonic; I discuss decorating, entertaining, and happy living, with my friend, interior designer and author, Thom Filicia. (1 of 2)
Following in the footsteps of LeBron James and Demi Moore, with a handy assist from Groupon, I tried a session of CryoTherapy, and got a CryoFacial to boot!
How Las Vegas-based designer, David Tupaz, came to design the fabulous gowns that will be worn by Nevada’s 2015 contestants at Miss America and Miss America’s Outstanding Teen
The benevolent spirit of Perry Moore seems to have been my muse, guiding my summer pursuits to be a more responsible (or at least, well-read) member of the LGBT community
Since 2020, BallotTrax has allayed any hesitation I might ever have had about mail-in voting by informing me when my ballots have been mailed, returned, and received. Ain’t technology grand?